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What is HPV?

HPV stands for human papillomavirus and is highly contagious for both men and women. 80 to 90% of people become infected with this virus at some point in their lives. In 2021, about 53,000 women between the ages of 30 and 60 tested positive for HPV.1
wat is hpv

What can I do against HPV?

HPV causes cancer in more than 1100 women and almost 400 men in the Netherlands every year. Approximately 400 of them die as a result. In 2021, more than 18,500 women and nearly 29,000 men contracted genital warts from HPV.2,3 You can change this. Find out how you can protect yourself against HPV.

Want to discuss HPV?

Certainly. We can put you in contact with experts in the field.
beschermen hpv

I want to protect myself against HPV

You can for example participate in screening and vaccinate against HPV. This is possible at multiple locations. We would like to connect you with them.
Samen Tegen HPV.

More information

OneDayClinic is the only accredited private clinic specializing in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

Specialist practice for gynecology and urology

For people affected by head- and neck tumors

Olijf, patient organization for women with gynecological cancer

Travel vaccinations at home

Vaccination specialist

An initiative to encourage organisations to share more about HPV

Foundation with the aim of providing information to people with pelvic floor complaints and women with gynecological complaints

Onze bronnen

  • National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

    Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
  • Health Council of the Netherlands (GR)

    Independent scientific advice body for government and parliament
  • Pubmed

    International Library of Biomedical Literature
  • Farmacotherapeutisch Compass

    Healthcare Institute Netherlands


1 Bevolkingsonderzoek, Baarmoederhalskanker, accessed sept 2023
2 RIVM, HPV Rijksvaccinatieprogramma, accessed sept 2022
3 RIVM, Genitale wratten | RIVM, accessed sept 2023